Like most ambitious small business owners, we have a few role models that we look up to and admire. Its fair to say that there probably isn't an exact formula for what makes someone more successful than the other, hard work, determination and passion are taken as a given, but the way different people approach a new challenge is always fascinating. Two massively successful entrepreneurs we have in mind are Lord Alan Sugar and Sir Richard Branson. (Before we continue, its important to point out that we don't actually know either of them and these opinions are based on public information).
Lord Sugars image is one of a more traditional hard nosed business man, smart suits, stern, serious, blunt and to the point. In his autobiography he claims that a lot of his sense of humour and fun side has been knocked out of him by being at the sharp end of a high flying empire (and the media). This is probably the case and we do see the odd glimpse of a dry sense of humour on the apprentice. But they say "even comedy is a serious business!".
Sir Richard Branson on the other hand, appears to waft around partying, almost "hippy like", always has a smile and dresses in a very casual way. We do know that his approach to business is far from casual though. So, looking at two of the most successful entrepreneurs in the UK and the world, we ask, can business be fun?
We have customers that have played fairly high profile "April fool" pranks. Overall these seem to have worked, but as with all jokes, not everyone gets it and some irreversible damage has been done. We prefer to inject fun, tongue in cheek stunts, rather than jokes. Overall met with positive or underwhelmed reactions, so we wanted to see the reaction to our new bucket sticker. Harmless enough, not to offend, but hopefully enough to get a smile?
If we can have fun and engage with customers in a fun way, we will. However, the fun comes after the best possible customer service we can manage, quality control and professionalism. When we get the balance right, its the best job in the world, taking inspiration from the previously mention big hitters, adding our own twist and reaping the rewards.