If we are totally honest about it, it was by chance we ended up manufacturing in the UK! Like most people we assumed that the most cost effective way of bringing a simple “plastic” product to market, was by using the cheap labour, from foreign shores, thankfully that proved not to be the case.
As you would expect, we spent a lot of time with research and development, part of the research was finding the most cost effective manufacturing operation. After comparing quotes, it works out to cost about the same to manufacture here in the UK as it would from anywhere else abroad but we have the advantage of speaking the same language, the ability to monitor quality control and reduce lead times. It doesn’t matter how cheap something is, if it doesn’t arrive on time or if it is poor quality, you are in trouble.
It was another coincidence that “British manufacturing” has also become fashionable, in some foreign markets it adds value and prestige. The government have been quick to pick up on this one too, offering support and funding to British manufactures. A cynic might suggest that this was more for political gain, than economic, but for some British manufacturers, its a bonus. Naturally, these grants/funding are not just given away, a qualification and lengthy administration process has be completed, but at the end result can be worthwhile. As is so often the case, this system benefits the bigger business, the ones that need it less, but as a supermarket giant says, “every little helps”. We suspect that in the build up to the general election, some very favourable figures will be produced, about how much they have helped British manufacturing and how many more jobs, have been created as a result. We will be looking at these figures very carefully.
Putting cynicism and opinions to one side, we are a “British Manufacture”, we are competitive with foreign manufacturing and very proud of the fact, that although its a small contribution to the UK, its a contribution.